Monday, April 29, 2013


It has been almost 2 weeks since I've blogged.
My life has been so crazy lately I didn't even realize it.

One of the things taking up my time is a new relationships series at church. It has really pushed Andrew and I in our marriage to talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about and spend more quality time together.

When I saw quality time I don't mean what you think, like watching tv, snuggling, eating dinner. 
Yes those are all great things and we do those all the time.
But this quality time is time spent talking. Spent analyzing and working on things in our marriage that most people push under the rug.

Our biggest thing is communication. 
We do it alot but we communicate in different ways. 
We have held so many conversations this week talking about how to make our communication better. 
I say well if you would have explained this more it would help me and he tells me how I can communicate to him better.
It is very insightful to know what I am trying to say and then hear Andrew tell me how he understood it.
Guys and girls are soooo different!!!

Our pastor even recommended in our current First Love Series that the person who has a hard time sharing feelings or elaborating (Andrew) write down things that happen in their day so they can share it with their spouse.
Let me tell yall, this is my favorite thing ever!
Andrew tells me everything, but most of the time he forgets things that happen at work cause it wasn't important in the aspect of getting work done.
But being the girl that I am love to hear about what happened in his day.
So I get so excited when I see his phone come out with the lists he made!!!
It gives me a greater glimpse into his day and allows us to talk more about what we did and how it makes us feel.

I have so much I have learned through this first love series and will share more this week.

How are some ways that you intentionally communicate with your spouse?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A picture is worth 1,000 words

Yes I know it is cliche but it really is.
How many times do you look through old photo.
I know I do all the time.

This week has been crazy.
I don't have to update you on what's going on in the world but it makes me sick.
I said a prayer for all those involved but then I also praised God for all he has blessed me with.

So I thought I would share two things that makes me smile everyday

Coming home from work to these fur babies makes me smile everyday.
The mister is pretty awesome too :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What's on your face?

So i have mentioned before that I have super sensitive skin.
I have to wash my face every night to prevent breakouts but still it doesn't prevent the cysts on my face :(
Boo teenage acne for the rest of my life.
I use Murad Face Cleansing System (I posted about it here) and it is amazing!

But now as I am in my 24th year of life, I realize I need to up my skin care system and start an anti-aging regiment!
I have noticed that I have a wrinkle forming between my eyebrows named, West Lake Middle School 6th graders!
I need to stop it!

So help me ladies!!
What should I use???

Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Shanangians!

This weekend was so busy.
I knew heading into it Friday that I would barely have any time relax.
So I started out my Friday telling Andrew I had about 6 hours after work to relax before the crazy began.
So we were off to mellow mushroom with a few friends for some pizza and beer
Horray for their gluten free crusts!!
Sorry I have no pictures from Friday.
Bad Blogger :(

Here is where my craziness begins

1. I started my beautiful Saturday in class. Boo for Saturday Grad School Classes :(
2. After class my gas light was on, when I went to the pump this is what I found! Hello Pollen!
3. I am not a Chobani fan! I hate fruit on the bottom. But their new flips are amazing!
4. To end the day and relax a little Andrew grilled steaks. Yes that is our little baby grill. 
Welcome to apartment living yall!

The craziness continues

We went to church as usually and JD preached another amazing sermon in our Relationship Series.
Then I worked with Summit Kids and it was my first Sunday and I loved it. 
It is so different from my middle schoolers!
Then I was off to Panera to work on another group project!
Then we were off to small group and finally home for dinner.
I tried some some new recipies from some of my favorite bloggers!
Mediterranean Fish and Mashed Calliflower
Thanks April and Christin!

So how was your weekend?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

At least I will die FREEE :)

If you didn't read my post an start singing 

So rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama anyway you feel

Hey mama rock me
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a south-bound train
Hey mama rock me

You must live under a rock.
Or clearly not in the south.
Either way I am introducing you to your new favorite song

I am writing this because the new version by Darius Rucker is on the radio all the time
and while I love the song it pains me to not here the version by Old Crow Medicine Show
The real version
The one my sorority sisters made up a dance to in college
The one I love

I feel like one of these monkeys when the song comes on the radio.

So here it is the best version.
The only version in my book

So do you love Wagon Wheel?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why you should help your mister pick out your bling!

I saw this post over on Emily's blog I began to think about our engagement process.

When the time came around I knew it was coming.
Andrew and I had been dating 4 years.
It was a senior in college.
We had talked about it.
We went ring shopping.

So if it didn't come Andrew was a major tease.

So here is the big question, to let your mister go alone or to go with him when he ring shops?

My vote: GO WITH HIM!
This is a ring you are going to wear the rest of your life.

I know some of you are going a little nuts right now but here me out.

Andrew and I had the conversation that once I got my ring it was the only one I was getting.
No upgrade, no new settings. 
I wanted to remember this ring and have it as he gave it to me for the rest of my life.

So Andrew wanted me to try on the different types of cuts to see which ones I liked best.
I was down with going into the jewelry store to try on diamonds so I didn't need much convincing.

Although once we got their our consultant convinced us to do a little more.
To pick out three sets that we both loved and then Andrew could pick the one he liked best.
At first we weren't sure but then I tried on one set we both loved but as soon as I put it one we both hated it.
We instantly became sold on her idea.

In the end there was one ring that bought tears to my eyes. The other two I liked and if Andrew wanted one of those I would have still felt so lucky to be his wife.
I promise its not yellow like the picture looks
boo flash

But he picked the one I loved and everyday I stare at it and think about how he saved when he was a broke grad student to buy me ring and make me his wife.
Here is a picture of our rings at our wedding

You may think that going with your guy takes away from the engagement process.
It doesn't!
There were more couples than single guys picking out rings when we went.
We are so happy in our decision.
Ring shopping created a bond. 
A commitment before the engagement and marriage that was unspoken.
And trust me I was still super emotional when he actually proposed!

So what about you?
Did he go alone or did you come along?
To check our our engagement story read my post here

Monday, April 8, 2013

Breakfast Nachos

We had a great weekend.
Alot of relaxing,church, and time outside enjoying the beautiful weather with the pups.
Saturday morning we slept in. It was 10am before we started rustling in bed.
It was glorious.
We woke up and then had that classic I am hungry but do I want lunch or breakfast convo.
Alas the breakfast nachos were born
We were also kinda wanting Mexican so they have a Mexican twist as well.

Refried beans
4 eggs

Layer them all up.
 Microwave for about 2 minutes to melt the cheese.
Serve with sour cream and salsa on the side.
Then dig in!

We may have sat for a good two minutes straight inhaling these bad boys with no convo between us because they were so good!

Friday, April 5, 2013


We started a new Bible reading plan at church and the first book of the Bible we read was James
I have never read James before and if you haven't either I would recommend it whole heartily.
It is a short book, only 5 chapters but I have never had a book speak to me so beautifully before.

The book of James is all about how to live your life. 
It is unlike other books of the Bible where you have to interpret.
This book is so straight forward and that is good for me cause my mind is math based. I have a hard time reading and analyzing text.

I think the most beautiful Bible verse I have ever read was found in this book.

So whenever you speak. or whatever you do, remember you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.
James 2: 12

This verse spoke to me. In reading chapter 2 it talked about how many Christians believe that they are better than others because their sin is not as bad. 
I admit I can think of a time where I used to ease my heavy heart by thinking I wasn't that bad because there were people who were so much worse.
Here in James it talks about that Sin is Sin and as sinners we are seen equally sinful in the eyes of the Lord.

So we should over come that type of judgement by living through the law of love. The love that Jesus showed for us is how we will be judged. 
Keeping that law of love shows our faith is real.
To strive everyday to love all people as Christ loves us.

So through this I am praying. 
Praying to live my life more like the teachings in the book of James.
Praying through my trials and temptations that lead to sin for a life that glorifies my Lord and the path he has planned for me and not the path I have planned for myself.

Have you ever read James? 
What was your favorite Part?

My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in the eyes of God.
James 1: 19-20

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Whats on your bookshelf??

I just finished reading Safe Haven after watching the movie and I loved it.

I used to read every Nicholas Sparks book up until my sophomore year in college and then I took a break.
It was nice to pick up one of his books again and read one of those only in fiction love stories.

I am currently reading The Gospel and The Reason for God as part of my quiet time and bible study with my small group but I am looking for another book that is just because.

So tell me whats on your bookshelf.
What do you recommend?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What I'm Wearing Wednesday!

So I asked you here what you wanted to see me blog about and I was so surprised you wanted to see more outfit posts from this not-so-fashionista.
Like I said I am more of a stick to the classics kinda gal!

But here it is, I feel like I had a week of pretty good outfits so I am willing to share.

Since Easter didn't show signs of warm spring weather I had a hard time picking out an outfit for church.
I wanted a spring dress full of lots of colors and I really wanted to wear my jacks.
I mean really my feet were begging for my jacks.
Luckily I had this Maxi Dress from a rehearsal dinner last April and new it was the perfect compromise
Designer: Maggie London
Store: Nordstrom

For work not play 
So I am a teacher and since I am still young I try to dress my best to put a good foot forwards with the parents and my administration that I am just as knowledgeable and responsible as those tenure teachers.
Here are a few of my outfits this week
Top: Target- old
Pants: Target ankle pants- this season

Dress and Cardigan: Nordstrom Rack
I bought these both last weekend!

No worries though once I get home I am out of those cute clothes in to my comfy clothes before you could blink!

So what are your fav outfits recently??

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gluten Free Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Since the Easter bunney was visiting on Sunday I knew I needed to make a bunny approved dessert. 
So I browsed a few gluten free carrot cake recipies and since we were having company I chose the option that made cupcakes!

Everyone loved them and were amazed when I told them they were gluten free!

1.5 cups of almond flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
3 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
1/4 cup honey
1.5 cups of grated carrots
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Pre-heat oven to 325.
In a large bowl combine almond flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon.
In a smaller bowl combine eggs, oil, honey, carrots and pecans.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until all moist.
Link 12 cupcake pan with liners and bake for 15-18 minutes
Batch will make 12 cupcakes.
Top with homemade cream cheese frosting :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Working at the dog park

It was so nice to have Friday and Saturday off this week!
The dogs loved the extra time with us at home and we loved taking them outside.

Lucky for us we have an elementary school so close to us with a fenced in soccer field that we can let the dogs run crazy!
Sometimes we go with friends but this weekend it was just a quick hour to play before me and the mister headed to Good Friday Service at church.

This last one is by far my favorite!
 This week its supposed to get down in the 50's but next weekend we are looking good for another trip to the dog park :)