Monday, January 14, 2013

Dancing with Ashley's DIY

So I am back and heading to work today and officially missing my Grandma and my family who are still loving it up together in Charlotte. But I am excited to have Ashley as my last guest poster. Check out her DIY

Hi!  I'm Ashley from Dancing with Ashley. A big thanks to Brianna for having me today! 

A plain sweater plus a bit of fancy ribbon equals a whole bunch of sparkly fabulous(ness).  Those of you who know me, KNOW that I hate JoAnn's Fabric Store with everything in me.  Yes, I had to ask a lady where I could find some thread, and yes, I left with a stress rash all over my body.  (Ok, the stress rash part isn't true, but that's how JoAnn's makes me feel).  Too many sewing supplies and not enough sewing talent to navigate through it all.

Anyways, I would give you a step by step on this, but all I did was sew some fabric on to my sweater, ironed it flat at the end, and that's that.  A new sweater for Ashley!

Have you tackled any DIY projects lately?