So my first guest blogger for you is Laura from Life of Lu. This post made me laugh cause as a fellow teacher it is so true. Hope you enjoy!
Hi friends! I'm Laura, from
Life of Lu, and I'm so excited to be
guest-posting for Brianna while she enjoys her track-out vacay with her hubs! I'm just going to go ahead and say that I'm totally jealous that she gets to visit two of my favorite cities, Charleston and D.C.! Lucky girl!
One of my favorite things about Brianna and her blog is that she's a teacher (just like me!), newlywed-ish (just like me!), and she lives in the Triangle area of NC (just like me!)....can you tell we have a lot in common? So, when I was thinking about ideas for this guest post, I knew there were a lot of directions I could go, but I decided, that in light of teacher appreciation week having just wrapped up, that I'd go the teaching route!
We're going to play a little game called You Know You're a Teacher When...
I did this
here on my blog last year and have been collecting some new ones this school year! And, even if you're not a teacher but have just spent any amount of time with a child, I think you'll be able to relate to at least some of them!
Let's play!
You Know You're a Teacher When...
1. You have all kinds of awkward conversations with students about why using phrases like "lady crotch" are inappropriate for school...and life, really!
2. You discover random post-it notes with multiplication facts written all over them stuck to your shoes at the end of the day
3. You could easily transition into a job as a therapist if teaching doesn't pan out because you conduct at least 20 mediations a day, prompting kids to use "I feel statements" over and over again :) Oh, the drama!
4. You supply all of the holiday treats at your family Christmas gathering...because everyone knows what teachers really want for their holiday gift is sweets ;)
5. You open your closet and 3/4 of the items are from Loft...I hope that's not just me!?
6. You're not phased by the multiple lies you get told on a daily basis-- my favorite: "I don't know how my bouncy ball ended up in the must have been a magical blue orb." Totally believable!
7. You secretly get a thrill out of intercepting notes between students, especially love notes!
8. Your friends and family (who inevitably make more money than you!) constantly emphasize how good of deal or how cheap something was to convince you that it's not going to put a dent in your generous teacher salary!
9. You've mastered the art of keeping a straight face when you ask kids simple questions, like, "Did you enjoy the new milk in the cafeteria?" and get answers like, "Das baby milk, like from the tinks" as the student makes the gesture for boobs OR you get told things like, "I pooped a poop to big to flush."
10. Your Friday afternoon "Professional Development" includes adult beverages and your favorite teacher friends :)
Ok, all you teachers out's your turn! You know you're a teacher when... Go!
I hope you guys have a fabulous week, and thanks again, Brianna, for letting me hang out here on your bloggy today!