Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 here we go ...

As I look back on the past year I think about all we have accomplished. 
We are not big on resolutions in our house because they remind me of a quick fix.
Instead we focus on things we want to accomplish and make list
No surprise here, this type A girl is making a check list to check off.
And yes I know we are already 6 days into 2014 but hey who cares.
1. Worry less about being in control knowing that the Lord is on our side
2. Grow in our faith through giving and serving
3. Andrew will finish his dissertation and complete his defense.
4. Andrew will get a job he loves
5. We will buy a house 
6. Andrew will graduate in May with his PhD (Horray)
7. Learn and utilize more 21st Century Skills in my classroom through flipping the classroom
8. Become even more aware of what we put in our body
9. Save more, travel more
10. Visit Mickey :)
11. Make it through this year teaching and figure out my plans for next year
12. Continue what is best for my body through whole foods
13. Show grace and love
14. Enjoy and be joyful

So there we go.
14 things for 2014
Are any of these on your list?


  1. I am right there with you on growing in our faith and serving/giving more, I was disappointed in myself when I got our giving report from our church and saw that we missed a few tithes throughout the year, hopefully 2014 will be better for us financially and in growth in our faith and church.

  2. I just discovered your blog and I'm excited to find someone going through a lot of the same things as me! We share a lot of parallels in our lives - I'm also in the Raleigh area, married and am supporting my husband through graduate (law) school. It's nice to [blog]meet you :)

  3. I am right there with you on growing in our faith and serving/giving more, I was disappointed in myself when I got our giving report from our church and saw that we missed a few tithes throughout the year, hopefully 2014 will be better for us financially and in growth in our faith and church.

  4. pretty nice blog, following :)
